ArcGIS Business Analyst Pricing
ArcGIS Business Analyst helps you make smarter market planning, site selection, and customer segmentation decisions by combining demographic, lifestyle, behavioral, and spending data with location-driven analytics. Identify underperforming markets, pinpoint growth sites, find target customers, and share your work across the organisation. Amplify your market research with access to global data, beautiful maps, powerful analytics, and customisable infographics.
View product pricing, purchase ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App or add it to your ArcGIS Online subscription. If you have additional questions, talk to an Esri representative for support in purchasing Business Analyst Web App, Desktop, or Enterprise.
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- Current Esri customer
Compare features
Compare features
ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App
ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App
ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro (extension to ArcGIS Pro)
ArcGIS Pro Basic
Analyse custom data
Access global Esri premium data in the cloud
Create data-driven maps & tables (colour-coded maps & smart map search)
Create reports & infographics using out-of-the-box templates
Customise reports & infographics
Create study areas based on distance, drive time, or walk time
Attach demographic variables to your data (enrich data)
Visualise gaps in services compared to region (void analysis)
Rank potential sites by user-defined criteria (suitability analysis)
Create study areas that meet user-defined thresholds (trade areas)
Evaluate the potential of a business or program (Huff model)
Create, balance, and maintain territories (territory design)
Analyse market penetration
Standard license level
ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App
ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App
ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro (extension to ArcGIS Pro)
ArcGIS Pro Basic
Analyse custom data
Access global Esri premium data in the cloud
Create data-driven maps & tables (colour-coded maps & smart map search)
Create reports & infographics using out-of-the-box templates
Customise reports & infographics
Create study areas based on distance, drive time, or walk time
Attach demographic variables to your data (enrich data)
Visualise gaps in services compared to region (void analysis)
Rank potential sites by user-defined criteria (suitability analysis)
Create study areas that meet user-defined thresholds (trade areas)
Evaluate the potential of a business or program (Huff model)
Create, balance, and maintain territories (territory design)
Analyse market penetration
Advanced license level
Business Analyst Web App Advanced only
Business Analyst Web App Advanced only
- Business Analyst Pro only
Business Analyst Pro only
Business Analyst Pro only
Business Analyst Pro only
ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App
ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App
ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro (extension to ArcGIS Pro)
ArcGIS Pro Basic
Analyse custom data
Access global Esri premium data in the cloud
Create data-driven maps & tables (colour-coded maps & smart map search)
Create reports & infographics using out-of-the-box templates
Customise reports & infographics
Create study areas based on distance, drive time, or walk time
Attach demographic variables to your data (enrich data)
Visualise gaps in services compared to region (void analysis)
Rank potential sites by user-defined criteria (suitability analysis)
Create study areas that meet user-defined thresholds (trade areas)
Evaluate the potential of a business or program (Huff model)
Create, balance, and maintain territories (territory design)
Analyse market penetration
Compare features
Compare features
Find optimal sites that meet success criteria
Analyse global Esri data, ArcGIS Living Atlas data, or ArcGIS data, or use custom data
Create data maps and tables
Create study areas based on rings, driving, or walking distance or time
Access more than 100 data visualisation infographic and report templates
Access custom infographics and reports shared through your organisation
Create custom infographics and reports to meet your unique business or community needs
Visualise gaps in services compared to region
Rank sites based on criteria
Create study areas based on criteria thresholds
Find optimal sites that meet success criteria
Analyse global Esri data, ArcGIS Living Atlas data, or ArcGIS data, or use custom data
Create data maps and tables
Create study areas based on rings, driving, or walking distance or time
Access more than 100 data visualisation infographic and report templates
Access custom infographics and reports shared through your organisation
Create custom infographics and reports to meet your unique business or community needs
Visualise gaps in services compared to region
Rank sites based on criteria
Create study areas based on criteria thresholds
- Yes
Find optimal sites that meet success criteria
Analyse global Esri data, ArcGIS Living Atlas data, or ArcGIS data, or use custom data
Create data maps and tables
Create study areas based on rings, driving, or walking distance or time
Access more than 100 data visualisation infographic and report templates
Access custom infographics and reports shared through your organisation
Create custom infographics and reports to meet your unique business or community needs
Visualise gaps in services compared to region
Rank sites based on criteria
Create study areas based on criteria thresholds
Frequently asked questions
Why should I buy the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App?
Whether you have used location-based data before or are new to using it, Business Analyst Web App already has a robust combination of public data (Census, ACS for the US), global demographic data, and streets data to be used and explored right away for areas you are interested in.
Unlike other applications, Business Analyst Web App has in-app guided tours for all key features so that you can get started on day one and create a stunning visual within minutes. Our team has seamlessly incorporated the data and tools to calculate accurate drive time areas and data at varying scales so you can spend less time managing data and move right into gaining location-based insights.
What is the difference between ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App Standard and ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App Advanced software licenses?
If you want quick maps and data to create beautiful charts and infographics to share with colleagues or clients, then the Standard Web App is for you. If you want to dive deeper to see gaps or surplus of businesses, rank sites based on variables, or want to customise the existing templates for the rest of the organisation, then the Advanced Web App would be perfect for you.
If you want to see a list of capabilities by software license, then please visit our help documentation.
What is the difference between the ArcGIS Business Analyst Standard bundle and the ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced bundle?
The Standard bundle provides access to the Business Analyst Standard software license, the mobile app, credits, and user license. The Advanced bundle provides the Business Analyst Advanced software, the mobile app, credits, and user license as well as ArcGIS Pro Basic and ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro.
If you want to see a list of capabilities by the bundle, then please visit our help documentation.
What is the difference between buying a bundle versus a software license?
Our product bundles are ideal for you if you are new to Business Analyst products. It packages the user types, credits, and other associated applications that are needed to get you started and succeed.
A software license is a great option if you have purchased Esri products previously and already have the necessary user type and credits that are needed, and you only need the software license to use the web application.
Can I use the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App for on-premises deployment?
We do provide the Business Analyst Web App for on-premises deployment as part of ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise. This product is designed for organisations that have the resources to deploy and host their on-premises server, data, and applications. For additional details regarding Enterprise, please reach out to our sales team here.
I am a student. Are there special discounts for me?
We do provide special licensing terms and pricing to qualified educational institutions. You can find more information on the Education Licensing page.
I work in a nonprofit organisation. Is there special pricing for me?
We do provide special licensing terms and pricing to qualified nonprofit organisations. You can find more information on the Nonprofit Organisation Program page.
I want to use ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App for personal use, not for business or commercial use. Is there special pricing for me?
The Business Analyst Web App Standard software license is included as part of the Personal Use License. Please visit the ArcGIS for Personal Use page for additional information.
What kind of data is included with the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App?
We have over 15,000 variables. To find a list of variables by country, region, source, methodology, or frequency of updates, please visit our data documentation page.
Can I use my data or custom data with the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App?
Yes, on top of access to Living Atlas of the World data and the data included in the Business Analyst Web App, you can upload your data and add them to maps or analyse them further.
What is an infographic and how can it benefit my work?
An infographic is a visual representation of your analysis that can be generated within the Business Analyst Web App. You can use our standard template or edit them further in the Advanced version to customise to your needs. You can share them as PDFs, image files, or as an ArcGIS Dashboard or a Classic Story Map.
I already have ArcGIS Online. Do I need an ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App?
Compared to ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App provides dedicated workflows to better understand your site’s context and people who live and work in that area. Business Analyst also has data that is not included in ArcGIS Online. To see details of the global data included as part of the software, please visit our data documentation page.
I already have ArcGIS Online. How can I add the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App?
If you already have a Creator user type, you can simply purchase the software license of either of the Web App software licenses (Standard or Advanced) through the Esri Store and allocate the licenses to existing users. Please follow instructions on this help documentation to allocate the licenses. If you have already allocated licenses, go to this login page to access Business Analyst Web App.
I purchased the bundle or the software license. What do I do next?
Once you have purchased the bundle or the software license, please follow instructions on this help documentation to allocate the licenses. If you have already allocated licenses, go to this login page to access Business Analyst Web App.
I have additional questions that are not addressed in this FAQ.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at businessanalyst@esri.com regarding additional questions. We look forward to helping you.
What are credits and why do I need them?
Credits are the currency used in ArcGIS Online for premium services such as ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App. For additional information about credits, please visit our Credits page. For specific credit usage in the Business Analyst Web App, please refer to our help documentation’s credits by workflow page.
What is the difference between ArcGIS Community Analyst and ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App?
ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App and ArcGIS Community Analyst are similar products. There is no difference in functionality except that ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App includes access to ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App. An upgrade to ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro or integrations of projects created in the Web App to Business Analyst Pro are also feasible with ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.
Does ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced Bundle or add-on include a downloadable data pack?
No, neither the ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced Bundle nor the add-on includes a downloadable data pack. Downloadable data is only included as part of the ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop or ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise bundle. To learn more about ArcGIS Business Analyst product capabilities or for additional questions, please contact our sales team.