World-leading hub register and booking system
Underpinned by ArcGIS, Ireland has become the first country in the world to launch a centralised, national online booking system for coworking hubs. An interactive ArcGIS solution has become the authoritative public register for all hubs nationwide. The Connected Hubs platform is well used, with over 13,500 registered user accounts. “What we have created is a worldwide exemplar for facilitating remote working and early stage entrepreneurs,” says David Murphy, Data & GIS Analyst at the WDC.
Successful expansion of hub network
ArcGIS solutions are undoubtedly helping to facilitate the hubs ecosystem development within the National Hub Network, whilst enabling potential hubs to be registered quickly and consistently. The Government’s 2025 target of 400 hubs onboarded to the platform is likely to be achieved. At the time of writing there are already over 325 live hubs, with more than 5,000 desks available and nearly 500 meeting rooms. “ArcGIS Dashboards help stakeholders to expand the National Hub Network proportionally and fairly, through balanced regional development, driving economic recovery and the regeneration of communities throughout Ireland,” Murphy explains.
Data-driven policy and investment decisions
The WDC, its partners and government stakeholders can also harness the power of ArcGIS for site selection to visualise gaps in national coverage and identify the best locations for proposed hubs, considering factors such as population density and transport links. Indeed, the WDC has collaborated with the Central Statistics Office on a project to assess the average distance from residential homes to hubs nationwide. “It’s about not guessing,” Murphy says. “ArcGIS enables us to make data-driven decisions about policies, plus understand where to invest in existing and proposed new hubs.”
Evidenced opportunities for decarbonising hubs
As a central repository for spatial data pertaining to the National Hub Network, ArcGIS Online can be used to underpin and inform research studies and future funding linked to other government initiatives. ArcGIS Online has, for example, been used by Murphy in a masters research project to assess opportunities to decarbonise the hub network, by introducing energy efficiency upgrades and retrofitting hubs with things like fabric-first insulation improvements, solar photovoltaic panels, aerothermal heat pumps, water conservation fittings, electric vehicle charging facilities and other measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of Ireland’s hub network.