Visualisation and Exploration

Make sense of your data

Visualise spatial patterns, trends, outliers and anomalies. Generate hypotheses and keep your analysis moving forward. Explore your data to be sure you’re asking the right questions. View raw data and results as part of the iterative analysis process.


Explore, understand and find meaning in your data with dynamic, analytical maps. Bring together disparate data to see how things overlap and connect. Visualise spatial patterns in both 2D and 3D. Validate your assumption, evaluate the results and aggregate data within a map. 

Explore the map


Interact with maps and dynamic charts linked to your data. Compare categories and amounts, visualise distributions and frequency, explore relationships and correlations and understand change over time or distance. Interpret the results of your analysis and communicate the findings.

Make informative visuals


Visually simulate the movement of your data with 3D fly-throughs, time series animations and real-time dynamic maps. View historic trends and real-time patterns over time. Help decision-makers and stakeholders understand what your sophisticated models convey.

Interact with the map